Thursday, January 12, 2012

Site Selection

Initially I thought a site close to an urban center would be the best place to explore my thesis topic. If I'm interested in revealing something about site ecology I need an audience, and an urban or suburban site would easily provide that. However, many large urban open spaces are brownfields, or, at the very least, have been marred in some way by human development.

The vacant General Shale Brick Factory site is in close proximity to Downtown Knoxville and UTK Campus, but like most large, available spaces in urban areas, it would require extensive remediation before other design concepts could be explored.

If my intent is to reveal something about ecology, it would complicate the project if ecological remediation was required first. What I needed to find was a site with a dedicated user group and an already rich ecology.

SIWR is located about 20 miles east of downtown Knoxville on the very edge of Knox County.

Seven Islands Wildlife Refuge (SIWR) is a 360 acre wildlife sanctuary located on a peninsula along the French Broad River. The land is managed by Knox County Parks and the Legacy Parks Foundation. The site consists of an extensive floodplain meadow, a small wetland, several wooded bluffs, and an upland pond. The site is home to over 150 species of birds and 50 species of fish.

A mown path meanders through the meadow in late September.

What makes SIWR the right site for my thesis? There are many reasons - It has an existing rich and complex ecology, it is an important area to protect for future generations of many different rare species, the French Broad River has a unique history unto itself, and it is an important resource for human enjoyment as well.


  1. Site selection is always a tricky process because once the work begins, it's really hard to change things from there. Definitely worth putting in the time and effort in finding the best place possible.

  2. Thank you for sharing. If you ever need help with site selection the ViS platform has more than 400,000 centers around the world and can select sites much more efficiently.
