Tuesday, April 3, 2012

From Geologic Time to the Present Day Site: A Framework

The above chart will serve as the framework for studying present day phenomena as evidence of past geologic processes. The design intent is to choreograph an experience for park users in which they encounter a series of revelatory moments along 3 transect paths; the Ridge Transect, the River Transect, and the Fault Line Transect. The processes being revealed are part of the Sedimentary rock cycle, which is integral to the formation of the ridges and valleys in the East TN region.


Evidence of collision that has led to uplift along the Fault Line Transect
The experience of uplift along the Ridge Transect
Weathering takes place at multiple scales. This small piece of sandstone stone has been weathered by freeze/thaw actions.
Metamorphic pebbles have been transported from the Appalachian Mountains by the French Broad River and deposited in the floodplain at SIWR.

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